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BPD Watch: A public, searchable database of Baltimore law enforcement officers.

Browse or Find a Law Enforcement Officer

Search the database

Search our public database for available information on Baltimore City police officers or to identify an officer with whom you have had a negative interaction.

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Contribute to the database

Have a photo containing uniformed law enforcement officers? Drop them here. Alternatively, you can email us submissions at or tag us on Twitter at @openjusticebalt.

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Want to help? Here are two ways...


We're looking for volunteers to help us sort through images. If you're interested in helping out, please sign up!

Put me to work


BPD Watch runs on volunteer labor and donations are greatly appreciated. We also encourage you to donate to Lucy Parsons Labs to fund the development of the software running this site.
Note: We are a fiscally sponsored not-for-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible!
