Complaints against the Baltimore Police Department can be submitted to the Civilian Review Board (CRB). The Civilian Review Board of Baltimore City is an independent agency in the city through which members of the public can issue a complaint against officers of various law enforcement units. Before you file a complaint, be sure to read about the complaint procedure on the CRB's website.
If you have been the victim or witness of an act of abusive language, harassment, false arrest, false imprisonment or excessive force, or injury allegedly resulting from excessive force caused by a police officer, you may file a complaint.
To begin the complaint process, fill out the form below which will be sent to the CRB and you will receive a confirmation email. If you wish, you may also submit a complaint directly to the Baltimore Police Department.

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What happens after I file a complaint?
The CRB will contact you within two (2) business days to instruct you on how to complete the filing process. You will need to provide the CRB with a signed copy of the PDF form below. The form has several questions including your name, age, address, the date of the incident, the name of the accused officer (which we've pre-filled for you), the place of the incident, witnesses to the incident, and a statement of what happened.
Download CRB complaint form
NOTE: BPD Watch does not keep copies of complaints submitted through the form above.